
My Life in Playlist Form! #PlaylistOfMyLife

7:30 AMMichael Hoang

With sickness comes a lack of imagination and creativity. The changing of the season and long days at work have finally caught up to me. As I lay here in bed, fighting off the sickness, I reminisce about the past and dream about the future.

Not sure if this has been done somewhere else, but let's pretend it started here. The lyrics of these songs, for the most part, describe my life and how I feel about the world at this moment and time. #PlaylistOfMyLife.

Do you remember when you were young? Sometimes I stare into the ether and think about the past. Good times with friends, first crushes, and the experiences that we all had. Remembering the days where I actually thought I was invincible. All the childish thoughts I had back then, all the childish thoughts I have now ... one can dream, can't they?

The first 27 years of my life have come and gone pretty quickly. The people I have met, the people I have yet to meet. For better or worse, these people have affected me in one way or another.

As I continue on with life, hopefully the course of my path will be as free and happy as possible. All one has to do is "Keep on Walking."

When my time has past and gone, I don't want people to worry about what remains. Just let me close my eyes and know that you will continue to enjoy life when I am gone.

What is the playlist of your life? What music do you listen to when you're sick? Are you getting sick as well? Let us know in the comments below.

Until next time, enjoy life!

~ Michael Hoang

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